George Mason University Wins $320M MUDLAN Development Contract
George Mason University has secured a $320.7M contract from the U.S. Air Force for the accelerated development and software and hardware demonstrations of the Mobile Unmanned/Manned Distributed Lethality Airborne Network. The contract requires George Mason to enhance the technologies to be developed under the MUDLAN Joint Capabilities Technology Demonstration program, including directional K/Ku/eKU and W-band systems, as well as digital beamforming multibeam Common Data Link apertures.
Work for the contract will be performed in Fairfax, Virginia, through March 6, 2025, the Department of Defense said.
A total of $650K in fiscal 2020 research, development, test and evaluation funds are being obligated at time of award.
The Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome in New York is the contracting activity.
Category: Contract Vehicles