Contract Vehicles

ICF Secures $125M in HHS Contracts for Child Bureau Modernization


ICF Secures $125M in HHS Contracts for Child Bureau Modernization

The Department of Health and Human Services has awarded ICF two contracts worth a combined $125M to provide information technology and technical services to the department's Children's Bureau.

Under the terms of the two re-competes, ICF will operate and modernize CB's child welfare clearinghouse and will help states and tribes modernize their child welfare IT systems.

“ICF has managed CB's clearinghouses since 1990 and, under the guidance of CB, evolved this much-needed resource into a responsive, innovative service that supports child welfare professionals,” said Mark Lee, ICF's senior vice president and public sector lead and a Potomac Officers Club member. 

The first contract, which is valued at $94M, will continue ICF's management of the Child Welfare Information Gateway. The resource was created to provide research, best practices, guidance and data to child welfare professionals.

ICF's responsibilities under the new contract now also include substantial digital transformation work. The company will modernize the clearinghouse’s IT infrastructure and rehost it on a cloud-based platform.           

Under the second agreement, which is worth $31M, ICF will continue managing two key federal data reporting systems and will help transition one of them to the new cloud-based National Child Welfare Data Management System. 

The contract's scope now includes providing technical assistance and guidance to child welfare agencies in creating and implementing modernized IT systems for their child welfare programs.              

“We are excited to continue this dynamic partnership and help the agency build a more secure, modernized technology infrastructure designed to serve the needs of a 21st-century child welfare system," Lee added.

ICF is a Virginia-based management consulting company that advises clients from a wide range of sectors, including cybersecurity, education, energy, health and homeland security.

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Category: Contract Vehicles