Contract Vehicles

SAIC Wins Spot on USDA’s $620M FPAC BPA


SAIC Wins Spot on USDA’s $620M FPAC BPA

Science Applications International Corporation has won a spot on the Department of Agriculture's Farm Production and Conservation blanket purchase agreement, which has an estimated ceiling value of $620M.

The company may now compete for task orders for information technology support services for the development, modernization, enhancement and maintenance of information systems, software applications, web services and databases. 

“This program allows the USDA to deliver efficient and effective systems, applications, and software for FPAC to generate, manage, and share data, technology, and standards that enable partners and policymakers to make decisions informed by objective and reliable science," said Bob Genter, SAIC's president for the defense and civilian sector. 

FPAC is a five-year multiple-award BPA awarded issued under the General Services Administration's Schedule 70. 

SAIC said that through FPAC, it will provide conservation planning, conservation financial assistance, conservation practice standards and conservation practices design and implementation, among other IT support services.

The company added that it will deliver information and tools to internal and external users, as well as monitor and report outcomes of conservation implementation, natural resource data collection and delivery, emergency watershed protection and other conservation programs. 

“We are excited to expand our current services to USDA under this new contract supporting the FPAC’s important mission to mitigate the significant risks of farming through conservation programs and technical assistance," Genter said.

SAIC is a Fortune 500 technology integrator that boasts a portfolio of solutions in engineering, IT modernization and mission solutions. It serves customers from the defense, space, civilian and intelligence markets. 

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Category: Contract Vehicles