Senior Director for Cybersecurity, National Security Council and Federal Chief Information Security Officer
Grant Schneider is the Acting Deputy Federal Chief Information Security Officer, where he is establishing the Office of the Federal Chief Information Security Officer recently established by the President. For the past two years Grant has served in various cybersecurity positions within the Executive Office of the President. These include Director for Federal Cybersecurity Policy within the National Security Council, Senior Advisor to the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, and Senior Cybersecurity Advisor to the Federal Chief Information Officer. In all of these roles Grant has focused on developing cybersecurity polices to enhance the security of Federal information and systems as well as responding the various cybersecurity incidents at Federal agencies. Prior to coming to the Executive Office of the President, Grant spent 22 years at the Defense Intelligence Agency to include 7 as the Chief Information Officer where he led a team of more than 4,000 professionals providing IT and Security services to 250K customers in over 140 countries around the world.