
Assistant Director, Special Directorate

Mark Frownfelter is the Assistant Director for the Special Security Directorate (SSD) within the National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC). Serving two years with SSD, Mr. Frownfelter works in support of advancing strategic priorities on behalf of the DNI’s role as the Security Executive Agent (SecEA). These priorities include promoting security uniformity and reciprocity throughout the Executive Branch to facilitate the sharing of vital intelligence. He plays a key role representing the SecEA in the Trusted Workforce 2.0 initiative which is designed to modernize and transform cross-government security practices to ensure a more effective, efficient, and timely vetting enterprise. Prior to his role in NCSC, Mark Frownfelter was the Chief of the ODNI Security Team, providing oversight for the personnel, physical, insider threat and CI programs internal to the ODNI. Prior to coming to the ODNI, Mark worked for 16 years in the Executive Office of the President (EOP) holding various positions within their office of security, to include serving as the personnel security branch chief for the White House. His background includes extensive experience with security policies and is well versed with the security procedures and cultures among various IC and NT50 agencies.

All Sessions by Mark