Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment, OSD
Steven J. Morani, a member of the Senior Executive Service, is the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment. In this capacity he serves as the principal advisor to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment in the oversight of the Department’s $190 billion sustainment enterprise. His responsibilities include logistics policies, strategy, resourcing, and performance oversight to provide the required materiel readiness to support the warfighter. His portfolio includes maintenance, supply, distribution, international logistics, weapon system product support, and logistics workforce development. He assumed his current position in October 2020. From July 2021 through May 2022, Mr. Morani also served as the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment. Mr. Morani previously served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Materiel Readiness, providing oversight of the Department’s $103 billion maintenance program. He also developed policies and procedures to ensure the Department meets statutory requirements to provide core, depot-level maintenance support of major weapon systems, military equipment, and commodities. Mr. Morani enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in June 1983 as a heating and ventilation mechanic. In 1987 he was commissioned as a second lieutenant through the Officer Training School program. He then served in a variety of maintenance and logistics assignments at tactical, operational, and strategic levels. After completing more than 28 years of active military service, he retired at the rank of colonel, last serving as the Chief, Materiel Support Division, Headquarters U.S. Air Force. He transitioned to the federal civilian service in June 2011.